11 results
Dresden - $74,500.00 10.25 Acres - Map 102; Parcel 008.00
Dresden, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales
Martin, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales
Lot South of Hwy 22 Bypass - $150,000.00 Weakley County - Map: 057L, Group: B, Parcel: 004.00
Martin, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales
Residential Lot -$16,000.00 Union City, TN - Map: 049, Parcel: 035.21 Water & Sewer taps are paid for NO RESTRICTIONS MODULAR DOUBLE WIDES AND TINY HOMES PERMITTED.
Union City, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales
Residential Lot - $15,000.00 Union City, TN - Map: 049, Parcel: 035.20 NO RESTRICTIONS MODULAR DOUBLE WIDES AND TINY HOMES PERMITTED.
Union City, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales
Residential Lot - $165,025.00 Union City, TN - Map 049, Parcel: 035.19 City Water and Sewer taps are paid for. NO RESTRICTIONS MODULAR DOUBLE WIDES AND TINY HOMES PERMITTED.
Union City, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales
Residential Lot - $15,000.00 Union City, TN - Map: 049, Parcel: 035.18 NO RESTRICTIONS MODULAR, DOUBLE WIDES AND TINY HOMES PERMITTED.
Union City, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales
Residential Lot - $15,000.00 Union City, TN - Map: 049, Parcel: 035.17 ZONED PLANNED BUSINESS
Union City, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales
Farmland - 19.2 Acres - $443,700.00 Union City, TN - Map: 049, Parcel: 035.07
Union City, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales
North Lindell Street Lot - $40,000.00 Weakley County, Map: 057L, Group: B, Parcel #005.01
Martin, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales
Land - $147,500.00 Weakley County Map 072H, C, 013.00
Martin, TN
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate Sales